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Bad Holiday in Witch Town Page 11

thoughtful pause. "That is my hope."

  "So let me get this straight. I actually have a choice in this? Can't you just make me whether I like it or not?" Beth's tone was becoming agitated.

  "What would be the value in that?" Abigail asked. "If you are to work in our House, you must be a willing participant. Otherwise it would serve no purpose for anyone."

  Thinking this over, Beth eyed the older woman suspiciously. "So what would I have to do?"

  "Work with the sons, serve the Mothers. Cook, clean, mend, whatever is needed."

  "You make the boys do all the work?" Beth was less than enthusiastic about joining them.

  "Boys from the age of eight to sixteen take on domestic duties. Before that from the age of two they have their schooling, separate lessons from the Daughters of course. They learn their place in our society, while the Daughters are taught...other things." Abigail said this last in a tone that made Beth sure she was keeping something back.

  "Other things?" She wasn't going to let it go so easily.

  When the woman spoke her voice was much harsher than Beth expected. "It is none of your concern. You are not one of us. And you will never be. Either except our offer or suffer the consequences."

  Beth understood that for the time being she had very little choice. If Ellie was going to join the White Coven at least she would be near to her friend. They would be able to talk. And maybe make some plans to get away from this place. But even as this thought passed through her mind, another lay just beneath it, nagging at her. What if Ellie didn't want to leave. What if she had found a new home for herself, one where she felt accepted. What if being a witch was what Ellie had always been meant to be.


  What's the point of having power if you can't do anything with it? I want to teach a few of these damn witches a lesson or two. If I'm so powerful why can't I just bust out of this place!? They say I'm something special and some of them seem scared of me. But not scared enough. I have to save Zack and Luke. But I don't even know how to use these stupid words of power. Well it's not over yet. They can all go to hell if they think I'm going down without a fight!

  Both boys were taken to the Council of Five building accompanied by not only four men, but two witches who wore red sashes across their chests. There they were instructed to remain seated while their escorts stood either side in watchful attendance. There was little doubt in either Zack or Luke's mind that if they tried anything it would not go well for them.

  After a few minutes the room began to fill with witches from their various Covens and finally Ellie was led in by Abigail and taken to what was obviously a seat of honour over to one side of the auditorium. Zack and Ellie held a look for a moment, but neither said anything. There was enough in that one glance to say that they both understood how serious things really were.

  Isobel stood up within the Red Coven's partition and began to speak. "The Council will decide on this day the fate of both the girl, Beth, who came here as an interloper and troublemaker and..."

  "Wait," came the voice of Abigail, the sound full of command. The woman in the red cloak glowered at her, but paused somewhat reluctantly. "We offer this girl a place in our House. As a work with the sons in their domestic duties."

  There was low murmuring among many of the assembled witches at this.

  Isobel expression darkened further. "Do not think that we do not see this for what it really is, Abigail. No great offer of charity, but a manipulative attempt to gain favour with the new Mother. You think it will be so easy for you to take this girl in and keep her under control? She is obviously a rebel and will undermine your House. You would pay a high price for such a foolish error of judgement, I hope you realise that."

  Abigail waved this away with a dismissive hand. "The offer stands. And what is more, she has accepted."

  There was more general audible muttering and the tone was unsettled and irritable.

  "We do not object." It was Margaret of the Black Coven who spoke, having stood up. All eyes turned to her and there was a sense of puzzlement among the other witches.

  "You do not!?" Isobel said, her voice incredulous.

  Margaret smiled briefly. "The girl is of no importance. Let the Whites take her. She will be their responsibility."

  Others around her made noises of agreement and this was taken up by the other Covens. Even Isobel began to nod, seeing sense in it.

  "Then it is agreed?" Abigail stated, her eyes scanning the assembly. Each of the Coven leaders called out their approval.

  Ellie glanced around the room looking for Beth but there was no sign of her. She was clearly not considered to be important enough to attend. This made Ellie very uneasy, particularly in view of her own position of privilege.

  "Now," continued Isobel in an officious tone, allowing her gaze to fall menacingly upon Zack and Luke, "to the more pressing issue of the punishment for these murderers. It is a simple vote. A life for a life. Or in this case their two lives for one of ours."

  "There are other options," Rosemary of the Green Coven said forcefully.

  "Other options?" Isobel repeated with disdain, "for the murder of one our own. Pray tell, what other option could there be?"

  "Banishment," came the voice of Abigail, eyeing the woman in red with a considered stare.

  Anna of the Blue Coven took this opportunity to interject. "Banishment is one possibility. But to where? Can we really risk letting them leave? What would they say to the outsiders? What trouble might they bring down upon us?"

  "In with power, out with power," Rosemary intoned. "They would be ignored and ridiculed. No one would believe them."

  "So you would vote for this?" It was Isobel who asked the question.

  "It may be acceptable," the witch wearing green replied, her eyes momentarily finding those of Ellie.

  "It is our proposal," returned Abigail strongly.

  "And one for which you will need two other votes to carry," observed Anna, her gaze also moving to Ellie.

  "Think carefully," Isobel warned them, "this is a grave matter. Never before has the murder of a Mother been dealt with so leniently. This would create a precedent that could cause serious issues in the future. It would undermine our law. Think on that."

  "So you propose death," Rosemary wanted to know, sensing an opportunity to push the Red Coven out of the running for Ellie.

  Isobel's eyes narrowed. "Death would be the expected judgement in a case such as this," she began softly, "but there have been other historic penalties. Penalties such as The Piercing for instance."

  Now there was loud conversation among the women in the chamber.

  "The Piercing is a barbaric and outdated trial," called Abigail, "we have no place for such things now."

  Isobel regarded her coolly. "But it is within the law."

  No one denied that this was indeed true.

  Zack and Luke had watched and listened as this debate went on. When the word banishment had been spoken both of them had began to feel hopeful, but any such optimism had now been most definitely crushed.

  "The Piercing may be a compromise," Anna of the Blue Coven mused.

  Ellie was beginning to feel more and more desperate and finally got to her feet. "And what exactly is this Piercing anyway!?"

  It was Isobel who answered and she seemed to enjoy the opportunity to explain. "It really is not your place to ask, my dear. But as a sign of good will I shall clarify. The Piercing is a test of endurance. One devised in the past to be used against our own kind, but now turned against our enemies. You see, needles are placed into the transgressor and only their survival can prove their innocence. Their death of course indicates their guilt. It is quite straightforward"

  Ellie could not believe what she was hearing. "What are you talking about!? Who can survive that!? And where exactly were these needles going to be placed!? You're all lunatics do you know that!?" She was ready to just walk out of there, but one look at Zack and Luke's horrified expressions reminded her that
she didn't have that option.

  "Usually in the chest, close to the heart," came Isobel's casual reply.

  This left Ellie at a loss for words, but Abigail took up the discussion on her behalf. "It may be within the law, but it is a foolish throwback to the ignorance of the past."

  "Never call our ancestors ignorant," Isobel said harshly, bristling with anger.

  The room began to fill with the argumentative voices of the witches as each Coven disagreed within their own ranks and with neighbouring factions. The noise went on for quite some time until eventually a strong, commanding voice spoke out.

  "Silence." It was Margaret of the Black Coven who brought them to order. "It is time to vote. The time for debate is over." She turned to a witch in a black sash who sat behind her and spoke quietly before returning her attention to the Council. "Each coven should take a final moment to speak among their number before their vote is cast."

  Each group then began to huddle together to discuss their options. While this went on Zack looked on as the witch who Margaret had just conferred with broke away from her own Coven and made her way through the throng to where Ellie sat alone. There she placed a small parchment into the girls hand without a word and then returned to her own seat.

  Luke spoke quietly to his friend as they waited for judgement to be passed on them. "Any bright ideas?"

  Zack glanced at the other boy and whispered a reply. "If this goes the way I think it's going to, we had just better hope we get a chance to run before