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Bad Holiday in Witch Town Page 15

the selection for you. There are several able candidates."

  Ellie's face became scarlet with rage. "If you think I'm just going to stand here and let you marry me off you really are kidding yourself!" she roared. "And if you're intending to use magic to force me, I'm warning you, I will fight you all the way." She was facing Margaret now and their eyes locked. The girl was determined and resolute. The elderly witch just gazed back at her with a clam exterior, but her eyes gleamed with displeasure.

  "Not so, Ellie, no Word of Power will be used to coerce you. But understand this. You will take a Husband on this day. As head of your House I have the authority to bind you to another. And I do not need your permission or indeed, even your presence to do so. You are free to leave now if you wish and we will proceed without you. The choosing is your right, but if you do not, the choice will be made for you."

  Ellie couldn't believe what she was hearing. Every time she began to think she had moved past some of their lunacy, they managed to come up with something even more ridiculous.

  "How can that have any value?" she challenged, "why force me into a relationship with someone against my will!? It's just stupid!"

  "Because," the old woman stated, "it will teach you that you do not decide your fate. You are subject to your Coven's will. I told you before now that you would be taught your place, as we have taught every Mother before you. Even I chose a husband at my appointed time" She paused and the barest flicker of a smile played upon her lips. "True enough, he did die before his time and I was sorry for the loss, but I learnt, as you will, that I know my place. Now choose." Ellie didn't want to go anywhere near the expectant applicants and the opposing line of girls just made it all the more humiliating with their whispered anticipation. "We are waiting," encouraged Margaret, but the girl knew the woman's patience was fading rapidly.

  Ellie finally looked over at the men, if they could be even called such, as many were barely older than herself. It was then to her stunned amazement she caught sight of Luke and almost let out a cry. If she had believed the situation was bizarre and perverse before, now she was truly struck by how awful this had become. For a terrible moment she looked about swiftly just to make sure they hadn't lined up her brother as well. She decided that these people were demented enough to do anything, but she was at least relieved not to see him there.

  As for Luke, he was trying to slide further down into his chair, wishing he could somehow disappear into it. His face was flushed a ruddy crimson and he had begun to sweat in a hot, sticky way that he had never experienced before in his life. All he could think, like some repeating mantra was, don't pick me, don't pick me. He felt equally sick in both his stomach and his head.

  Ellie gave a final, almost pleading look at Margaret but saw only cold resolve.

  I'm really going to have to do this, she thought with a horrible sense of disbelief.

  With a disgusted shake of her head, Ellie left the table and walked out into the hall to gaze miserably at her potential suitors. It wasn't as if there was anything particularly wrong with them. For the most part, they were presentable enough. But this game she was expected to play was getting just a little too far out of hand for her. And she made no mistake, it was a game. And with that realisation she understood that she had no option but to play.

  She walked slowly along the line, almost as if she were inspecting her troops and as she approached, Luke squirmed dismally in his seat.

  And when she came to a halt in front of him he had to admit to himself, as much as tried to convince himself otherwise, that it was no surprise.

  Their eyes met and held as something passed between them, an unsaid acknowledgment that there really was no other possible way out of this.

  "I choose Luke," Ellie said and there was surprising strength in her voice.

  Margaret glowered at her from her place at the table. "A disappointing choice," she remarked evenly, "but a choice nonetheless." Luke didn't know what to do with himself. All he could think of at that moment was how was he was going to explain this to Zack. And then his thoughts turned to Beth . If he had believed his time in this place had been some form of awful dream before now, he saw that it had been only a precursor before the real nightmare had begun.

  "Take his hand," the elderly witch commanded and Ellie didn't even hesitate. She just grabbed the boy's in hers and waited for the inevitable to happen like someone who knew they were about to be executed and could do nothing to stop it. "On this day," Margaret continued, "at this hour, I bind these two together. He will be husband, to serve and do her bidding. She will be mistress, to govern and dictate. No one can alter this decree. They are bound until death. And should either depart this life, they can never be joined with another. One mate. One marriage. It is done." There was polite applause from those assembled, but Ellie and Luke hardly noticed. Both held onto the other's hand with a fierce grip until finally it was Luke who pulled his fingers away because the girl's grasp had been so tight it had begun to hurt. He reached for some words to say to her, but whatever he framed in his mind seemed crass and inappropriate.

  Ellie meanwhile felt light headed and fought to stay on her feet. She tried to convince herself that it was all a sham and had no meaning whatsoever, but something within countered this, as if a deeper force knew differently and she felt the amulet around her neck tingle slightly.

  "Now," called Margaret, "Let The Dance begin. It is time to celebrate the union of the new Mother with her spouse. May their time together be productive. And may they both serve Witch Town in everything that they do."

  With this, every girl rose and moved with enthusiastic haste to the opposite side of the hall to select a partner. The men all appeared to understand that they had no say in this process and were quickly pulled up out of their chairs by strong, determined arms to be ushered out onto the floor ready to dance.

  A lively waltz began to play, although there was no sign whatsoever of any musicians. The music drifted eerily out as if from the walls and ceiling themselves.

  And every couple moved in time, apparently knowing what was required of them. They passed by each other smoothly and in perfect unison, a measured pattern of rhythmic grace. Even Margaret and the other senior witches joined the dance, partners having being selected from the available men.

  Only Ellie and Luke did not move. They stood together awkwardly, unwilling to catch the other's eye.

  "I'm sorry," Ellie said at last in a small voice.

  Luke wanted to reassure her, to say that it would all be fine. But the words just would not come.

  All around them the dancers circled, a whirl of movement, the music ever louder and faster. And Ellie found herself wondering if this was no more than a feverish delusion, a trick of her tired and troubled mind.

  But of course she knew better. It was all too real. It was yet another symbol of her fall into this shadowy and disturbing realm of witchcraft. Here in Witch Town everything she had known before had very little meaning. She was part of it whether she wanted to be or not.


  Please let me introduce my husband, Mr Luke Forester. Quite a catch don't you think! Poor Luke. The fear in his eyes probably just about matches mine. He looks like he's been run over by a truck. Twice! But this is no laughing matter. Far from it. The rules of Witch Town have left us both in the most awkward, embarrassing situation ever. But of course, I know we can work something out. It's not like we have to take this whole marriage thing seriously. Or at least, that's what I'm hoping. Because if he thinks he's coming anywhere near my room he can think again. Let's just make that very, very clear right from the off.

  Ellie decided that going back to her new house, accompanied by her newly acquired husband, all dressed up in her brand new witch's outfit had definitely taken the number one place on her weirdest moments of her life list.

  They had said very little to each other, apparently by mutual consent.

  One of the young boys who worked in the house had greeted them at the door. He
said his name was John and he seemed all too eager to show them to their bedroom. Their bedroom!

  Ellie soon put him straight on that one.

  She went off to her own room without even saying goodnight and Luke was left to find somewhere to sleep for himself. There were plenty of bedrooms on the two upper floors so she didn't have any concerns about him finding somewhere to sleep. Although to be honest, she didn't really care one way or another. It sounded harsh, but she was just too confused, tired and irritable to feel bad about it.

  Of course, it was none of Luke's doing, she knew that. He was a victim just as much as she was.

  These damn witches were control freaks of the first order. She could barely believe what was going on. Married at sixteen! And to her brother's best friend! She didn't see that one coming. And what would Beth say about this when she found out?

  Or Zack for that matter.

  But that had all happened the night before and now the morning light streamed in through her window. The brightness of the day cheered her bleak mood just a little and she got up to dress. Already her old clothes had disappeared, probably taken away by one of those boys and she was only left with her witch outfit.

  She had slept surprisingly well considering the drama of the previous evening, but she understood that her mind was so