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Bad Holiday in Witch Town Page 28

here. Every day is a work day."

  She just gazed at him, her mind trying to function, but refusing to work properly. "So why didn't you? Report me I mean?"

  Now the boy looked very uncomfortable and his eyes darted about everywhere but at her. "I...I just wanted to check in case you were ill. Are you!?"

  Beth almost laughed then as she realised the boy actually liked her.

  Joshua fancied her. Wasn't that just the craziest thing of all. She couldn't believe it. It was all so ridiculous. Had she just dreamed she had killed a witch the night before? She tested her memory and knew immediately it had been all too real. Any notions of good humour vanished. "I'm okay," she managed distractedly.

  "Good," the boy said, "so come on then, before anyone realises you're not where you're supposed to be."

  With some reluctance, Beth stood. She felt light headed for several moments before gaining complete control of herself.

  Surely it was not possible that they still hadn't discovered the body?

  Joshua held the door open and waited for her to pass through. Beth couldn't see what other option she had but to go with him. "You can help clean the meeting rooms," he told her as she exited her room and stepped into the hallway.

  Beth didn't answer. She just followed where he led, her brain trying desperately to fathom what was going on. That witch would have been missed by now. They would be searching for her at the very least. What was going on?

  As always, things in Witch Town did not add up. And Beth was beginning to think that it was all some kind of bizarre game. And she was just a pawn to be manoeuvred at the whim of whoever made the rules.

  Extracts from the journal of Rebecca Marsh

  April 19th 1613

  Already my agents have sought out others who may be suitable to join me. These so called witches are wary, but recognise in me a patron and one who can protect them from those who might persecute them. More than this, once I demonstrate to them my own power, they revere me and wish to learn. And I am happy to instruct them. These women, some young, some aged will be part of a great movement. One which I will lead. Allison assists me and I come to depend on her as my good right hand. In time, this land will know us and we will show them the way forward.

  June 5th 1613

  Loose tongues have brought forth prying eyes and I have to take action to protect my ever growing community. I have purchased a 5000 acre plot of wooded land and intend to build my own township there. I realise that I must become independent of society if I am to lead my followers and develop their abilities. I have more than a dozen women with me now. Their grasp of the Words varies, although none have been able to master the power of the amulet as I have, although Allison can almost match my ability now, but she is my loyal devotee and assists with keeping the others in their place.

  September 9th 1613

  Construction continues on my township. Because of my wealth and the social standing held by my family, I answer to very few so this enables me to go about my business with little interruption. I avoid contact with my peers and spend most of my time in my country home not many miles distant from the work site. My Sisters, as I have named them, are learning the etiquette of society as well as developing their understanding of the Words. I have also discovered through my dealings with these women, that none below the age of sixteen are able to channel their power through the SpiritHeart. And what is more, there are clearly defined levels of proficiency. I, naturally, have the greatest skill, while the others vary. I will devise a structure for these differences in ability. A set of laws of instruction must be composed for all to subscribe to. I will set about this task directly.

  December 14th 1613

  I have found myself more and more curious concerning the origin of the stone my father brought back with him from Central America. I have dispatched one of my agents to travel there to seek out whatever specifics he is able to discover. I await his report.

  April 15th 1614

  The work nears completion. Very soon now my sisters and I will be able to begin our new lives. There are those who make accusation against any who they suspect of sorcery. I, on the other hand, take those who seem best suited to my needs and give them safe haven. Already I am formulating my regime for this new Township and I have given it a name, both ironic and most apt. Witch Town it shall be called henceforth. And I shall be guardian and governess of my own small kingdom.

  Luke was sullen when he reported for work the next morning and it took Zack a while to figure out how to approach him concerning his meeting from the night before.

  "What's your problem!?" was what he decided upon after much deliberation.

  The other boy kicked at some straw as he tossed grain out for a gang of excitable chickens. "Take a guess," he muttered.

  Zack considered his friend. "Being married to my sister that bad is it?"

  With a grimace Luke eyed him suspiciously. "Why the jokes all of a sudden?"

  Now Zack knew he had to tread more carefully and he came a little nearer. As ever, Leonie and Allana were close by. Zack hadn't been able to find an opportunity to speak with Leonie this morning, only managing a few fleeting looks where their eyes had met and just once when they had exchanged a furtive smile. "I went on a little adventure last night," he murmured, although the sound of the chickens was effectively covering his words.

  This got Luke's attention. "What kind of adventure?" he asked, throwing a brief look in the direction of the two young witches.

  Zack flung some more grain about and the chickens gathered around his feet making quite a commotion. "Some of the men here are less than happy with the social status."

  Luke frowned as he thought this over. "Why didn't you take me with you?"

  His friend had expected this question and had already prepared his answer. "Less risk. In case we got caught."

  With an expression that said he was unconvinced, Luke nonetheless let it pass. "So what did they say?"

  "They want to do something. They're just not sure what." He moved among the clucking poultry. "And obviously they're afraid of the women."

  "That I can appreciate," the smaller boy stated with a sour look.

  Zack toyed with the idea of telling him about Leonie being Jeremiah's daughter, but then decided it wasn't really relevant. He also knew that he would have to admit what had happened between himself and the girl, but now didn't seem like a good time, if ever there would be one. "So we need to do some thinking. How can we use this?" Luke arched a questioning eyebrow. "To help us get out of this place?" Zack clarified.

  Ellie wasn't sure what she should do. If she told Luke that she was going to get an opportunity to leave Witch Town, how would he respond? He had been so distant since their marriage. This gave her some pause as she realised what she was thinking. Marriage! If this was being married, then she was more than happy to be single. But she knew full well that her situation regarding Luke was nothing more than going through the motions.

  Of course she completely understood how uncomfortable Luke was feeling, but really, did he have to be so morose and uncommunicative? She was doing her best not to make him feel too ill at ease, but every time she went anywhere near him he took on the look of a frightened rabbit, all wide eyes and nervous twitching.

  It was almost impossible for her to talk to Zack and even if she did he was always in the company of that young witch from the Green Coven. Once her brother's work for the day was over Ellie was forbidden to go to the house he was staying in. Yet another one of the town laws.

  As for Beth, Ellie despaired. She hadn't laid eyes on her friend for so long it was as if she didn't even exist anymore. Ellie had attempted a number of times to ask about her welfare and even requested seeing her, but the answer was always a categorical no. Apparently the servants of the White Coven were nothing to do with the Blacks. Coven rules were sacrosanct.

  So what was she to do? It was Luke or no-one. Ellie would have to speak to him and make him understand what was actually going on. />
  She had even noticed that he seemed apprehensive around her, more so than just because he felt embarrassed about their new relationship. She hated to believe it, but it felt like he didn't really trust her anymore.

  And what about when she was actually beyond the borders of Witch Town? What then? Ellie was experiencing both excitement and foreboding. Whatever Margaret had in mind for her, it could very well prove to be dangerous. And she knew that whoever accompanied her would be watching her very carefully.


  The more I read of Rebecca's journal, the more I see that this town was her baby. She financed it, she made the rules. What I don't get, is where did her power really come from? Is it in us already, just waiting to come out? That's the way I see it. Or is it in this weird Central American stone that we all wear? Maybe I will find out when I've read some more, although I'm getting scared of keeping it for too long. A lot of it is pretty boring to be honest. Lots of rambling about new bonnets and the colour of the drapes in her new houses. Picking out the good stuff is harder than I expected. But I will have to put it back before I leave. I can't risk Margaret finding out it's gone while I'm away. There's no telling what she might do. I just wish I could have a proper talk with Zack about it. I need him more than ever right now.

  Beth went about her work in a daze. Everything seemed just like the day