Bad Holiday in Witch Town Read online

Page 45

man dressed casually in shirt and jeans. There was something in his regard that gave her a sense of apprehension, but then he had moved away, becoming lost among the other visitors. Ellie knew she needed to keep a firm grip on her nerves.

  So far so good she concluded, but something nagged away at the back of her mind.

  Why her? Why now? And should she be doing this at all? Margaret was using her, manipulating her and she just went along with it like a trained pooch. Her mind moved to her brother and Beth and then to Luke. Could she ever free them from Witch Town?

  "Here," Grace instructed, breaking the girl's reverie and Ellie saw that there was a sign directing them to the Chapel.

  They moved along a passageway, passing groups of sightseers. Children trudged along beside parents, some entranced by the mystery of the place, others obviously there under duress. Foreign holidaymakers could be heard enthusiastically in conversation.

  The witches moved ahead and at last entered what was a relatively small chamber. Even so, St John Chapel was impressive with an altar at one end, lit by a window behind it. Other windows beside and above shed beautiful light on the pale bricked interior. All around the room there were stone columns that gave the place an imposing, majestic air.

  The only thing that spoilt the scene as far as Ellie was concerned was the fact there were at least a dozen other people there with them, some sitting on wooden seats before the altar, apparently in spiritual devotion. Very inconvenient.

  Grace looked from the assembled group to others behind them, who were entering the chapel. "We need some privacy," she observed and Helen nodded her agreement.

  Without hesitation the witch went to stand in front of the altar and regarded all of those seated. No-one gave her a second glance as she glared at them, but this was soon rectified when Grace clapped her hand twice loudly. The sound resonated around the chamber and all eyes now focused on the woman who stood before them.

  Even those who were simply wandering around the tall columns inspecting the stonework and architecture came to a standstill and looked to see what the noise was all about.

  "Can I please have your attention," Grace announced. No one spoke, everyone there waiting politely. Maybe they thought she was some kind of guide. "Control," the Witch invoked, her eyes full of self-confidence.

  Ellie watched as those seated near to the witch took on slack, vacant expressions, but she also noted that others merely appeared irritated or bemused.

  She realised that Grace's power had its limits. "We need to help," she told Helen quickly and to her credit the woman did not question this, understanding what needed to be done.

  "Control," Helen called out in a resonant voice. More of those present now had blank expressions, as if not really knowing where they were.

  But still others, particularly a stout woman in her fifties, were becoming distinctly agitated. "What's going on here!?" she asked, her eyes moving from Grace to Helen.

  Two teenage boys also seemed unaffected and had a look that suggested they were caught in two minds between making a run for it or sticking around to see what happened next.

  Ellie concentrated her mind. She focused on the chamber, the people within. There was a soft tingling at the back of her neck, her spirit eager to respond to her call. "Obey," she uttered and there was a movement in the air, as if a breeze had passed through the chapel. Now there was complete silence. The girl glanced around at everyone present and saw that all eyes were turned to her. It was an unnerving sight.

  Both Grace and Helen looked too, although their expressions were not the intent, focused countenances of everyone else who gazed at the girl. The look on their faces was something very different.

  Both witches were simply in awe.

  Abigail and Margaret were alone in the library. Tall bookcases flanked them on every side. They were quite alone.

  There was a palpable tension between them, but their features remained impassive.

  "What are you up to?" the White Coven witch asked evenly.

  The older woman raised an eyebrow. "You suspect something, Abigail?"

  With a fleeting smile, Abigail nodded. "I do."

  "But what?" Margaret eyed her with open curiosity.

  "Do not play your games with me, Margaret. I know you too well."

  The other witch considered this and then replied. "Do you? Are you sure of that?"

  Now Abigail's expression became intense. "Whatever it is, be careful. Be certain that you are not going in over your head. Any truce there is between us will be very short lived if you should break our pact."

  Margaret nodded solemnly. "You have no need to worry, my friend. I would not risk conflict between us. You have my word on that."

  With a narrowing of her eyes, Abigail scrutinised the other witch's face, as if trying to look inside her to discern the truth of her words. "So where is the new Mother. Where is Ellie?"

  With a dismissive wave of her hand, Margaret responded. "She needs training, does she not. I have my own methods. I have sent her out to test her mettle. No more than that. You would do the same."

  Again, Abigail gazed attentively at her counterpart. "Perhaps. But there is more activity than usual beyond our borders. The Reds have also sent three Mothers out on some flimsy pretence. I do not like it."

  "The Reds?" Margaret asked with a show of interest. "Who from the Red Coven? Isobel herself?"

  Abigail gave a calculating look, noting the subtle change in Margaret's tone. "No, but Miriam has gone. Are you really certain there is nothing I should know?"

  The elderly witch held the other woman's gaze and her eyes sparkled with sincerity. "There are no secrets between you and I Abigail. None at all."


  I seem to remember reading somewhere that people used to get locked up in the Tower of London. Or was that just while they were waiting to be executed? I'm not really sure. But I don't fancy either possibility. What really bothers me is what Margaret's going to do after she destroys this contract I'm supposed to be finding for her. Does that mean everyone will get to leave Witch Town and be reintegrated into society. It doesn't sound very likely. I've got a bad feeling about this, but what can I do? Margaret made it crystal clear that Zack and the others are at risk. And protecting them has to be my priority. Whatever the cost.

  "Go and do some shopping," Ellie ordered everyone present. It seemed like a reasonable suggestion.

  Without hesitation, wherever they were situated in the chapel, people began to leave. Their expressions were almost serene, content to go on their way.

  They shuffled out in an orderly fashion as if going on some kind of organised field trip.

  Helen approached the girl, a strange light in her eyes. "I did not think that was possible. To control so many at once."

  Ellie brushed the woman's obvious admiration aside, intent on getting on with the job at hand. "We need to do this as quickly as possible." The other witch nodded and Ellie sensed that there had truly been a change in the relationship between them now. She was in charge. Even Grace looked to her for direction and Ellie couldn't help but like the feeling it gave her. She was only human after all. "I think you should keep watch," she said to Helen, "and stop any more people coming in until we've finished. Okay?" The witch nodded dutifully and went to the entrance to take up a position as sentry. "So how are we going to find a way in?" Ellie mused aloud, not really to anyone in particular.

  Grace was beside her now and she too seemed to have a different attitude towards the girl. "Let me try," she offered, but there was a slightly more deferential tone to her words.

  "Be my guest," the girl agreed.

  "Open," the woman uttered, her SpiritHeart responding to her voice. They waited expectantly, but nothing stirred, nothing changed. The chamber was very quiet. Grace looked disappointed and perhaps even a little embarrassed.

  Ellie screwed up her face as she considered the problem. She scanned the interior, the pale stonework, the ancient workmanship. Light streamed in
through the windows and bathed her in a golden radiance.

  Then she grinned.

  Wasn't this exactly the same as when she was in Margaret's room. Something was concealed and she needed to find it. She had managed it once and really this was just on a slightly more extravagant scale.

  Ellie fixed her concentration on the chamber, on the pillars that surrounded her, letting the place fill her senses. "Reveal," she voiced and she heard a low rumbling begin from over by the stone altar as it began to slide forward.

  The girl moved towards it, Grace close behind, as the altar came to a halt and she saw that there was a narrow stairwell beneath where the stone had originally stood. "After you," she suggested with a quick smile. She felt powerful, vibrant and alive. It was an amazing sensation and she was acutely aware of how much she was enjoying herself. It gave her such a buzz.

  Grace showed no reluctance in stepping down into the dimly lit passage, her features set with purposeful intent.

  With a quick glance back at Helen, Ellie followed, down into earth and stone.

  Seeking something long hidden.

  Zack was trying very hard to get on with Luke, but every time he attempted to be friendly, the other boy made it clear that he wasn't interested. Moody just didn't cover it.

  The two girls watched them as they fed and watered some of the town's livestock. The atmosphere between all four was taut with unspoken tension.

  One more go, decided Zack and he turned to face his friend.